Why the Ceremony?

我們相信,婚姻不是只是兩個人住在一起,也不只是兩個家庭的姻親關係,而是在上帝面前的誓約,是基督與教會結合的象徵。因此,婚禮是這個關係建立中約定的宣誓,不只是個家族聚會或同學會。而我們要結婚,因此也不是只是因為兩個人住在一起比較便宜、蒂芬可以拿綠卡、或韡函可以有私人廚師。婚姻是個獨特的關係,只有在其中可以真正 (被迫) 學習所謂「捨己的愛」,藉此略嚐耶穌對我們的愛。而不管單身或結婚,在世上的目的都是要榮耀神、愛鄰舍如同自己。結了婚,只是兩個人一起做而已。可能比較簡單,也可能比較難。


We believe that marriage is not just about two people living together, or how two families come together. Rather, it is an institution established by God, a symbol of the unity of the Christ and the Church. Therefore, the wedding is a declaration of the covenant, instead of a family or class reunion. In the same way, the reason why we are getting married is not because it is cheaper to live together, or that Tiffany can get her green card, or that Wilbur will have a personal chef. Marriage is a special relationship, only in which we could make the closest simulation (and inevitably) of the so-called “sacrificial love”, and have a glimpse of one aspect of the love Christ has for us. Wether single or married, we are all called to glorify God and to love our neighbors. Us getting married, is just that we’re doing that together.

We decided to use the Marriage Service liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. We think this liturgy beautifully summarizes our belief about marriage and our expectation for ourselves and for this new life together. We really enjoy the beautiful original text, while the Chinese translation that we will use in the ceremony is our own attempt, which inevitably loses a lot in the process of that conversion. Anyhow, we are using this to share with all of you, and as a reminder for ourselves. If anyone who finds himself/herself in a situation in need of a wedding ceremony and would like to use this translation for reference, please feel free to do so.