
曹先豪 Howard Tsao

我在師大團契認識曹先豪--這個跟我幾乎在任何事上都相反,只有在信仰上完全一致的好友。先豪是個做事慢而周詳、雖然乍看內向卻很重視人際關係的人。先豪當時是社教系的學生,大二的時候我們兩個有頗長一段時間一起查考聖經、一起禱告。大三的時候他當團契主席,我應該算是在輔佐他,當他開會太慢的時候我就會催他快一點--希望這沒有造成什麼誤會或不愉快… 我們在很多事情上都是彼此打氣的好弟兄好夥伴,雖然現在想想,發現好像他幫我的忙比較多。我大四有一場音樂會先豪有幫我準備很多 marketing 的想法,我們大學時代彼此的感情交友也時常在對方的禱告中,包括兩個人後來大學時代的女朋友都分手了…。現在先豪是師大讀研究所,是號稱全國最長名稱的「國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系家庭生活教育組碩士班」,據說正在與論文奮戰中,與他凡事都要想夠久才慢慢開始做的性格一樣。號稱師大團契四帥之一。

I met Howard in my university’s Christian fellowship when we were both first year undergrads. He is someone who’s almost the exact opposite of me in almost every aspect apart from our same faith in God. He was studying Adult and Continual Educations then, which is not exactly the most popular major in town… but he loved his studies and worked hard to put his studies and his faith together. When we were in our second year, we spent quite some time together praying and studying the Bible and when he was our fellowship leader the next year I assisted him a lot – mostly by pressing him on speeding up during the meetings he led. (:P) Howard is now a graduate student, still in the same National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), but this time in a even posher department with the grand (long) name of Master Program of Family Life Education of Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Oh and he’s one of our “Shida Four”. Don’t ask me what that means.

郭泰亨 Tai-Heng Kuo


I probably met Tai-Heng in the same meeting where I met Howard. A person extremely confident in his appearance, he is actually a down-to-earth and humble person who has a strong faith in God and very knowledgeable both in his studies – chemistry – and the Bible. He is also an athletic person who enjoys the outdoors a lot and is particularly fond of table tennis – which is a sport three of our Shida Four enjoys – except me. After graduating from NTNU, Tai-Heng went on and finished a master’s degree in Chemistry at the National Taiwan University. (The school Tiffany went.) He is now serving his one year term of alternative military service in a public school.

隱藏人物 Hidden Figure
