Our Story

Our Story


2006 青春之歌 An event we were at together. 竹中竹女聯合獻詩唱小小野花 (花跟時事沒有什麼關係…是守真去台大農場摘來的。)


韡函和蒂芬第一次見面的確切時間已不可考,但是應該是在 2005 年間。那時韡函剛進新竹中學,蒂芬則在新竹女中念高二,兩人都有參加校園團契,第一次見面也應該就是某個二校聯合聚會的時候。雖然見過、算是認識,但也從來沒有多聊。即便如此,韡函倒是因為蒂芬參與團契、有司琴的服事 (據說外加長髮飄逸) 而印象深刻。不過因為身為學弟,所以也不作他想。

Self-explanatory 不證自明。竹中團契弟兄理想對象條件 (感謝豐肇哥敏慧姐提供)。

Self-explanatory 不證自明。竹中團契弟兄理想對象條件 (感謝豐肇哥敏慧姐提供)。


2007 新竹飛躍夏令營,僅有的「合照」之一,可見我們超不熟 (感謝豐肇哥敏慧姐提供)。A summer camp in 2007, one of the only few pictures that we were actually in together...

2007 新竹飛躍夏令營,僅有的「合照」之一,可見我們超不熟 (感謝豐肇哥敏慧姐提供)。A summer camp in 2007, one of the only few pictures that we were actually in together…


2010年3月30日,蒂芬的 Gchat 對話歷史

2010年3月30日,蒂芬的 Gchat 對話歷史


在 2013 年秋天,蒂芬放下社會學的學業,毅然決然的重回練琴的日子,開始在同校的音樂所念鋼琴合作的演奏碩士,也就順便把這個改變放在 Facebook 上公諸於世。這小小的更新引起在大西洋對岸的韡函的好奇,因而單純地傳了封訊息問候,兩人的交談也就此在多年不見後隔空重新開始。其實兩人不管在信仰、背景、想法、興趣、未來方向等眾多不同方面共同點很多,只是一直沒有好好聊過,所以一但有了機緣,加上父母、輔導牧長們的支持,一切都進展得很快。

蒂芬在 2013 年的聖誕假到英國拜訪韡函三個禮拜,是兩人三、四年來第一次見面。韡函也在 2014 年初為了博士班的面試到美國待了一個半月。雖然遠距離,但也因為這些機會,對彼此的生活都有更多瞭解。2014 年四月時,韡函收到了美國印第安納大學管弦指揮博士班秋季的入學通知,蒂芬也剛好可以在五月完成碩士班的學業,在父母的支持及眾多因素許可下,兩人決定在暑假結婚後,一起搬到印第安納州開始新的生活。




There is no record of the exact time when Wilbur and Tiffany first met, but it was sometime in the fall of 2005. At that time, Wilbur just started his high school years at Hsinchu Senior High school, while Tiffany was starting her second year at Hsinchu Girls’ Senior High (Yes, they were segregated by gender). Both being involved in the respective school fellowships, it was perhaps at a special co-ed meeting when the two fellowships met together that they first made acquaintance with each other. Although they sort of knew of the other person, they only had minimum conversation. Even so, Tiffany made an impression to Wilbur as she was involved in ministry and that she played the piano (and the long hair was a plus, for some reasons). However, because Tiffany was “senior” as she was of a year higher than Wilbur, Wilbur did not dwell too much on that impression.

At the time, Tiffany was working really hard, hoping to get out of the bondage of the academic pressure. All she wanted to do is to go into music somewhere abroad. However, she did not end up going on that path. Instead, she became part of the National Taiwan University campus. In the meantime, Wilbur was originally working his way toward Med school, but eventually gave in to his passion for music, and ended up studying piano performance at National Taiwan Normal University, which is about 15 minutes walking from Tiffany’s campus. While they would run into each other occasionally at certain events, there was very little– if not at all– conversation between the two of them.

Being away from music, and surrounded by statistics and Marx, Tiffany really appreciated Wilbur’s passion and vision for music and his dedication for God, and was very jealous that he was actually on his way fulfilling that passion and vision for music step by step. During the overlapping three years in Taipei, they would go to the same church (though Wilbur’s memory does not tell him that). Tiffany always took notice of his whereabouts at church, but never really came up to say hi, as nothing seemed to be possible between the two of them.

After graduating from NTU, Tiffany went to Madison, WI for a PhD in sociology, hoping to start an academic career, determining to make this new place her home. At the same time, Wilbur finished college and the mandatory military service, and went to England for graduate school. There the distance between them expanded for an Atlantic wider.

In the fall of 2013, Tiffany decided to set aside her sociology career and go back to piano. She started her study in the master’s program in collaborative piano , and updated her Facebook information accordingly. On the other side of the Atlantic, that little change caught Wilbur’s attention. He then sent a simple message asking about that change, and the two started to talk ever since. Although they never really talked, they in fact have a lot in common in terms of their faith, their interest, their goals and their values. Along with the support of the parents and mentors, things have been moving very fast.

Tiffany visited Wilbur over Christmas in 2013, which was the first time they saw each other for about three or four years. Earlier in 2014, Wilbur spent six weeks in the States for auditions for the doctoral programs he was applying for. Although it is truly a long-distance relationship, those opportunities allow them to understand each other’s lives much better. In April, Wilbur was offered the admission to the Doctoral of Music program in Orchestral Conducting at the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University. For Tiffany, she will finish her master’s degree in May. With the support of the parents, getting married seemed to be a natural route to go, after which they will start their new life in Bloomington, Indiana.

Although this unexpected journey might seem to be a rush, with things working out in the most impossibility and the peace given, God has shown His leading along the way. We believe none of this would have happened if not for Him. Of course, we could not have done it without the love and support from our parents, our mentors and our friends.

Thank you so much for your love, your encouragement, and your prayers. We hope that you could come to share with us this great joy. May God bless you and your family.