

韡函出生於美國紐澤西洲,大約六七歲時跟著家人搬回台灣,之後就在台灣成長,直到大學畢業當完兵後才離開,到英國念研究所。從我們的故事可以知道,他念了新竹高中 (就是我們認識的時候)、師大音樂系鋼琴組 (是我的夢幻第一志願),最後神奇地到了皇家北方音樂學院 (Royal Northern College of Music) 英國最好的指揮系念碩士,而今年秋天要開始在印第安納大學 (Indiana University) 念管弦指揮博士班。我愛他的音樂,以及對音樂的熱情。就某種程度來說,以後我可以在家上免費的鋼琴課–也不只是學鋼琴,更是學「音樂」。

當初我爸媽對我想念音樂系很保留,因為覺得念音樂的人只會練琴,做不了別的事。韡函是最好的反例。除了自己的專業外 (鋼琴、指揮,其他副修等),他在大學就組了一個樂團 (大家今年暑假歡迎去聽音樂會!),固定在國家音樂廳演奏廳演出,又唱合唱,又可以包辦音樂會上下大小事。韡函有機會來參加我一場音樂會,其實就讓我只要彈琴其他什麼都不用管了。很好用。



如果你想看更傳奇的他,可以去看他的網站。但同時,他也是個平凡不過的人,能安於簡單的生活,很容易被小事情滿足。他喜歡喝可樂吃零食還有 Reese’s 和 KitKat 和魷魚絲,每餐自己下廚,英國買的台灣統一奶茶是給自己偶爾的犒賞,吃飯很快,喜歡火車,喜歡英國,喜歡歷史,會一直看 Facebook 收 email (我自己也沒好到哪去),有時候會健忘,有時候會做笨事。




Wilbur has always been a legendary figure to me. I recall referring him to that “guy a year lower who got into one of the best piano programs in the country without being in the system previously” when I was in college. The more I known him, I just find him both more legendary and more ordinary.

Wilbur was born in New Jersey, and moved back to Taiwan with his family when he was about 6 or 7. He was in Taiwan till he left for the UK for graduate school, after finishing college and the military service. According to our story, you would know that he went to Hsinchu Senior High School (when we met), National Taiwan Normal University’s piano performance program (which was my dream program), and miraculously the best conducting program in the UK (Royal Northern College of Music). He will start his doctoral studies at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University in orchestral conducting. I love his music, and his passion for music. In away, I’m marrying into a life-long piano lesson. But it’s not just about piano. He has taught me so much about music and appreciating music.

My parents were hesitant with my hope to go into music because they felt that musicians couldn’t do much aside from practicing (mostly due to the nature of the profession and the limited time). However, Wilbur is a perfect case that proves that idea wrong. Aside from his own major areas (piano and conducting, along with a long list of minors), he put together an orchestra that has regular seasons at one of the best concert halls in Taiwan (check out their program this summer!). He also sings in choirs, and knows all kinds of details about making a concert happen. He was in Madison while I had a recital, and all I had to worry about was playing with him taking care of everything else.

He is a reader, and his writing is elegant, deep without cliché. He loves history, and appreciates the meaning behind traditions and conventions. His boundless creativity is also shown in his graphic design portfolio. He is clever and smart, is much better at math than me (who makes a living doing statistics).

Although all of that sounds rather cool and outstanding, what I appreciate the most about him is his devotion to and faith in God, his down-to-earth humility, his sense of mission and responsibility when it comes to interpreting the Word, his spiritual maturity, and his heart for the community and those around him. Of course, pride is a common issue everyone has, but he responds to his pride with humility; selfishness is also a common issue shared by the humanity, but he responds to his selfishness with sacrifice.

If you want to know more about how legendary he is, you could visit his website. At the same time, however, he is the most ordinary of all. He is content with a simple lifestyle, and is easy to please. He likes cokes, chips (or “crisps”), Reese’s and KitKat. He cooks every meal, and would rarely reward himself with milk tea made in Taiwan in his UK days. He eats fast. He likes trains. He is a social media addict. Sometimes he is oblivious, and sometimes he does stupid things.

I believe, in the days to come, I would discover so much more about both of his ordinarity and extraordinarity. This is the Wilbur I know, and I’m excited for you to meet him!
